This blog contains a collection of material pertaining to various studies of mine.
The subject matter is primarily that of my two recent books published by Nova Publishers of New York; the first is Armenians-Aryans. “The blood Myth”, the race laws of 1938 and the Armenians in Italy (2016) and the second is The Myth of Western Civilization. The West as ideological category and political myth (2021).
Other sections are dedicated to material on anarchism and Max Stirner, a writer to whom I have devoted several studies, some quite recently, Greek democracy, a subject from my university course on the Philosophy of Law, and also a fifth section ‘Islam’, referring to my course on the History of Islamic Countries, and which also includes parts of my blog www.musulmaniinitalia.com, now defunct and reintroduced in a section of this one.
This present blog contains mostly original material on the topics and issues mentioned above; there are also essays and articles already published and some extracts from my books.
The texts are in Italian, English, French and Spanish, since my studies have been published in these cultural contexts.
I am Enrico Ferri and I teach as a full professor of Philosophy of Law and contract professor of History of Islamic Countries at Niccolò Cusano University. I graduated from Rome Sapienza University, cum laude, in Philosophy of Law, then obtained a diploma, cum laude, in a two-year specialisation course in Philosophy of Law. I obtained my doctorate at the University of Padua, with study periods at Heidelberg and Göttingen. I have taught, as research assistant and associate professor, in various Italian universities, including Roma Tre, Cassino and Sassari. I have contributed articles to national newspapers such as Il Messaggero, Il Tempo and L’Unità, and regularly collaborate with Radio Cusano Campus and Cusano Italia TV. I have acted as consultant for Rai and the Centro Studi San Luigi dei Francesi, and held conferences, lectures and other educational activities in universities and study centres in North and Central Africa, Europe and the Middle East. My articles and essays have been published in Italy, the USA, France and Spain. This blog has been created chiefly to present some of my studies and the topics they deal with to a much wider public than only academics and experts. At the same time, it offers bibliographical material and pointers to research, particularly in those sections dealing with Greek democracy and Islam, i.e., the subject matter of my university courses. The material should also be useful above all to students preparing their degree dissertations.
Articles, Contributions, Interviews
This section will contain some contributions, articles in newspapers, magazines and interviews on topics mainly related to current events but also related to my studies, widely documented in this blog
Between Philosophy and Religion
The interview presented here deals with a classic theme, the relationship between Philosophy and Religion, the aims and methods of these two disciplines and their compatibility. The religion most considered is Abrahamic monotheism and Christianity in particular.
A walk through the Time: the Myth of Western Civilization
Fabio Camillacci interviews prof. Enrico Ferri (professor of Philosophy of Law and History of Islamic Countries at the Niccolò Cusano University) on the Myth of Western Civilization. From the Ancient World to today.